Cadastral maps and cadastral registers


Cadastre and boundary surveying

To create an updated model of digital cadastral map geodetic surveys and calculations are carried out according to geodetic basis (GB). The results of geodetic surveys and coordinates calculations of detailed points are transferred to paper and digital format.

  • GB - a preliminary draft is prepared and consulted with the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency (GCCA);
  • Field surveying - Stabilization of points;
  • Processing field surveying data;
  • Submission of the GB – scheme, register of coordinates, benchmarks survey book, explanatory note;
  • Cadastral maps shall be submitted on paper of scale 1:10 000 as well as in digital format;
  • Cadastral registers are submitted on paper and in digital format (by region);
  • Diagrams of separate objects in buildings;
  • Data and materials accepted by GCCA and Municipality of location;
  • Digital model - if any;
  • Copies of planning changes;
  • Files and papers;
  • Planning sheets of the former cadastral plan;
  • Ownership documents (deeds, partition contracts, etc.)
  • Registry books;

Cadastral maps and cadastral register maintenance

  • Cadastral maps and cadastral registers are maintained and updated with information obtained under Art. 52 and Art. 86, par. 1 of Law on Cadastre and Property Register (LCPR), and by geodetic surveying when:
  • - property boundaries and building outlines are changed;
  • - new cadastre objects are created;
  • - errors are corrected and missing information is filled in;